In the Fullstaq Marketer training, under Resources > Affiliate Funnel Training, you'll find the training to convert your funnel from the BLC build out to a more robust funnel that can track clicks.

Once you do this, you will be able to track the clicks you receive from your traffic purchase via Zero Chase Media.

Follow these steps:

  • In Module 2, you will find detailed steps on how to setup ClickMagick and create a tracking link for your optin page.

  • Then, in Module 3 Lesson 5, you'll be given instructions on how to QA your funnel.

Once you've completed the training and opted into your funnel using the new tracking link, email Zero Chase Media at and provide them your new tracking link and request they update the link they have on file.

Once you do this, you will be able to track the clicks you receive.

For additional questions around this please utilize the Fullstaq Marketer Facebook Community Group

Thank You,
The Fullstaq Team